Feb. 21 - New Oban Express By the Numbers


New Oban Express By the Numbers

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Mary Falana at press@newobanexpress.com

Contact Mary Falana at press@newobanexpress.com

NEW OBAN, SCOTLAND, Feb. 21 —The engineering of a whole new high-speed train line takes almost unfathomable amounts of time, resources, and human ingenuity. In celebration of the upcoming launch of this new rail line, we’re excited to share a few key figures to help you get the size of it.

  • Length of train: up to 10.3 km (varies depending on demand and seasonal factors)

  • Top speed: 634kph

  • Expected passengers per year: 57.2 million

  • Length of track: 794.69km

  • Billions of pounds spent: 883.9 (over £120 million less than planned!)

  • Transit time: 1 hour 53 minutes

  • People employed in design and construction: 3,492

  • Number of final safety checks and inspections: 143

  • Tons of carbon fiber nanotubing: 7,055

  • Operating engine temperature: 110 degrees C

  • Injuries during construction: 0

  • Seats per double-level coach car: 86

  • Kilograms of fire retardant on each car: 244

  • Tons of carbon saved per year: over 1 billion


The New Oban Express is the world’s fastest commuter train, going from London to New Oban in a record 1 hour and 53 minutes. This world-class rail line is run by Invertech, the undisputed leader in rail technology. For supplemental information about the New Oban Express or about Invertech, please contact our public information coordinator Mary Falana at press@newobanexpress.com.